Setup #2 Volunteers

This setup is to prepare the player village flooring and booths and the pro/gold lounge area. Volunteers will help lay plastic over the basketball court floor and then unroll carpet over the plastic. The seams are taped and some other odd setup jobs are done such as hanging banners from the mezzanine and sometimes setting up tables. The pro/gold lounge area may need equipment moved and tables set up as well. This job is fun and fairly simple and gives you a chance to meet staff and get an early glimpse of the event setup.

Thursday Setup (9/30) 2pm to 6pm

1) Pam Lillich 2) Spencer Driskill
3) 4)
5) 6)
7) 8)


Click here to send a sign up e-mail. Please provide your full name, preferred e-mail address, phone number and what you'd like to volunteer to do. You will receive an e-mail response confirming your submission within 24 hours.